martes, 4 de octubre de 2016


I have a lot of dreams but traveling has loved since childhood. I visit to many cities and countries. My last trip was in Malaga. I love it this city, and I wish I can go next summer. I love travel because I'm a person adventuress, I love the long trips and travel with to many menas of transport.

My purpose of 2017 is visit Finlandia, Noruega and Suecia. I'm so interested with the others
cultures, others languages and other people. I always said "when I have eighteen years old
I want live far to Cataluya..." My objective is live in London.

I would like to be nomad, live in around the world. Alone. And do what and when I want.

Also when I travel different countries I want to help the people like in Africa or Indonesia.
Resultado de imagen de viajar


Resultado de imagen de paracaidas1-Parachute jump
2-Meet Pelayo Díaz
3-Travel all around the world
4-Be an actress
5-Get a tattoo
6-Drive a bus
8-Go to the carnival in Brazil
9-Sleep in the beach
10-Visit m&m's museum
11-Travel with all the means of transport
12-Train and adopt a tiger
13-Go to Casino in Las Vegas
14-Tast different food
15-Float in the dead sea

Resultado de imagen de frases en ingles cortas